Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas adventures

So, after coming up with that silly drawing in my previous post, I decided to recreate it in real life.

The picture to the left is the resul
t. I'm pretty pleased with it although we couldn't get many shots due to the lack of good lighting. Damn short winter days. :(

I'm still waiting on the rest of the photos to be edited so we'll see what comes of them.

In other news, I started working on some presents for a couple of my co-workers. I wanted to take the time and work on some art. I figured this would be a good excuse for doing so.

Whenever I decide to draw as a gift, it tends to be quite the fun challenge. I feel as though it's a test of how well I know the p
erson I'm drawing for.

One of my co-workers has a strange love for the scaly and strange. She's housed several different animals ranging from falcons to turtles.

Her most recent and loved pet as far as I can see is her bearded dragon.

I figured this would be a fun thing to draw. All of the scales on top of the fact that reptiles are just strange but interesting creatures overall.

After working on this, I do see the similarities in that of reptiles and birds.

I really wouldn't mind getting a bearded dragon of my own. They're so damn cute. @_@

My other co-worker is a very lovely lady who seems to find a love of Madonna.

I searched around for a decent picture that I felt would also look presentable as a gift.

I really wanted to stick with a younger Madonna and finally, after about 15 minutes or more of searching, I came across the photo which I used for the reference.

That neck. Dear god, it was a bitch to draw. I'm usually okay with profile views but this was a little bit of a challenge on top of the fact that I haven't been working with traditional media very much in the past few months.

Overall, I am very pleased with the work I've accomplished over the past week. I feel that I am improving atleast a bit.

A new year is about to begin and I can only hope that I'll be able to improve more. :)

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