Thursday, February 3, 2011

Moving to Tumblr.

Due to some issues with the site and some other issues, this will be my last post.
I'm not very fond of the overall feel of blogger and I my fan base here is lacking. I feel that tumblr will be easier to advertise with and thus get a larger fan base because of that.

Even though I will be switching my account, I am very happy to have this blog. It as been a blessing. Without it, I probably would have never gotten back in to drawing.

For those of you that follow me, thank you. I hope your blogging days will continue.

For those of you who are interested in following me, please find me at InSolsticeReign@Tumblr

Thanks and much Love.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Playing around with my markers some more. I'm pretty proud of this. I just wish I could find the cord to my scanner so I can actually get a decent scan rather than having to take a picture.

No reference used this time. All from
my head. I'd attempted something similar a week or so ago but ended up messing it up due to lack of time and skill. I think I'm showing some improvement though.

Other than that, I've been trying to come up with a better layout for this blog. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do with it but I do know that I'm not really that f
ond of the current set up. It's too white and simple. It just doesn't express "me" very well. I'll eventually break down and make a new one or maybe go back to the default black layout. Not really sure which I want to do but I'll figure that out later.

In other news, classes start back on Monday. I don't feel ready b
ut I don't really have much of a choice. I'm going to give it my best and hope things turn out okay. I'll
be taking a technical drawing class so hopefully I'll pick up some skills from that.

Other than that, I've just been spending my time sketch, inking, markering, and soon I'll start painting. Gotta test out my old watercolours. Anyway, sleep.