Thursday, December 30, 2010


Finally bought a decent sketchbook that I can carry around with me.

Went on a shopping sp
ree at Michael's and found a lovely hardback cover sketchbook for only 10 dollars. Ended up decorating it to make it look fancy. (dinosaurs and glitter lulz)

I'll post pics of it at a later time when I'm not lazy.

First decent sketch in my book.
Fairly proud of it plus everyone else seems to enjoy it. I think I'm off to a good start.
Just gotta keep making myself draw. Going to start bringing my new sketchbook to work so I can start workong on some drawings when I'm on break.
I spend far too much time sitting around doing nothing anyway so it'll be good for me. XD

Also figured I'd go ahead and toss this silly sketch in for the hell of it.

Everyone loves Panera! (yeah dont give me shit for that statement >:O)

I mean, I love Panera. It's probably one of my favorite places to eat simply because I adore the food. Don't care much for the atmosphere but it's better than a lot of places.

What better way to enjoy a meal than create a silly lil' weeaboo mascot in honour of the delicious meal?

Anywhoo, I just took my melatonin. It's time to sleep. Goodnight world.

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