Thursday, December 30, 2010


Finally bought a decent sketchbook that I can carry around with me.

Went on a shopping sp
ree at Michael's and found a lovely hardback cover sketchbook for only 10 dollars. Ended up decorating it to make it look fancy. (dinosaurs and glitter lulz)

I'll post pics of it at a later time when I'm not lazy.

First decent sketch in my book.
Fairly proud of it plus everyone else seems to enjoy it. I think I'm off to a good start.
Just gotta keep making myself draw. Going to start bringing my new sketchbook to work so I can start workong on some drawings when I'm on break.
I spend far too much time sitting around doing nothing anyway so it'll be good for me. XD

Also figured I'd go ahead and toss this silly sketch in for the hell of it.

Everyone loves Panera! (yeah dont give me shit for that statement >:O)

I mean, I love Panera. It's probably one of my favorite places to eat simply because I adore the food. Don't care much for the atmosphere but it's better than a lot of places.

What better way to enjoy a meal than create a silly lil' weeaboo mascot in honour of the delicious meal?

Anywhoo, I just took my melatonin. It's time to sleep. Goodnight world.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Birthday presents

Been meaning to work on this all week. Finally got the time to do so today.

Digital painting is starting to get a little easier which is pleasing. It's not as smooth as I want it to be but it's getting there.

I guess I should start doin' more requests. This was a birthday/xmas present for my friend Kim. Portrait of her to be exact.

Portrait was done in Open Canvas 1.1.
Reference was used.

I can't really think of much else to post about other than I did also complete a few sketchs.

I'll be posting them within the next few days when I can get access to a camera or to a scanner of some sort.



Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas adventures

So, after coming up with that silly drawing in my previous post, I decided to recreate it in real life.

The picture to the left is the resul
t. I'm pretty pleased with it although we couldn't get many shots due to the lack of good lighting. Damn short winter days. :(

I'm still waiting on the rest of the photos to be edited so we'll see what comes of them.

In other news, I started working on some presents for a couple of my co-workers. I wanted to take the time and work on some art. I figured this would be a good excuse for doing so.

Whenever I decide to draw as a gift, it tends to be quite the fun challenge. I feel as though it's a test of how well I know the p
erson I'm drawing for.

One of my co-workers has a strange love for the scaly and strange. She's housed several different animals ranging from falcons to turtles.

Her most recent and loved pet as far as I can see is her bearded dragon.

I figured this would be a fun thing to draw. All of the scales on top of the fact that reptiles are just strange but interesting creatures overall.

After working on this, I do see the similarities in that of reptiles and birds.

I really wouldn't mind getting a bearded dragon of my own. They're so damn cute. @_@

My other co-worker is a very lovely lady who seems to find a love of Madonna.

I searched around for a decent picture that I felt would also look presentable as a gift.

I really wanted to stick with a younger Madonna and finally, after about 15 minutes or more of searching, I came across the photo which I used for the reference.

That neck. Dear god, it was a bitch to draw. I'm usually okay with profile views but this was a little bit of a challenge on top of the fact that I haven't been working with traditional media very much in the past few months.

Overall, I am very pleased with the work I've accomplished over the past week. I feel that I am improving atleast a bit.

A new year is about to begin and I can only hope that I'll be able to improve more. :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010


While chillin' at Ari's, I decided to be a drawfag. Managed to do a silly digital painting.
Started off as just a stupid sketch.

brb cookie break.


Back from cookie break.

Basically, I'm trying to get better at digital painting and I feel the only way I'll improve at this point is to start off with a traditional sort of style.


I love doing one layer paintings. I know it's a bad habit but I mean... back in the day when I was messin' around with oil paints, ONE LAYER K?

I'm halfway awake and this post is ridiculous. Enjoy this speedpaint. I may mimic it later in a photoshoot.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Shame on me. I haven't been keeping up with my blog. I also haven't been keeping up with my art like I should be.

I've been doing artistic thing though, I promise. Had a photoshoot with Jess on Tuesday that was fairly successful (minus the well that continued to attack us). I'll post pics when I get home.

Right now though, I'm on Peter's old laptop.
Guess what I found?

An old WIP that I feel is good enough to post.
So here we go. :3

This is something I am extremely proud of. I only wish I would've finished it. Who know.. maybe I'll actually take the time to finish it up?

Maybe? :D
Or maybe not.


Anywhoo. Sleep.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Haven't been drawing as often as I told myself I would. I had a couple dnd drawings that I didn't get the chance to scan.

I'm going to try and draw some more tonight. Hope that I can get something done before I pass out.

Got a new phone.
New hair.
New wallet.

Feeling inspired.

Guess I'll post some photography to make up for my lack of

Models include: Maeghi and Peter.

I should try to sleep tonight.
Gotta be more positive.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


SO... today, I couldn't decide what I felt like drawing. I sat around and nothing came to mind.

This is a reoccurring theme in my life.

Maybe it's my old age? 8D

I dunno but anyway, I just kept thinking and thinking. Eventually, I remembered yesterday's events revolving around pokemon.

I let my friend Moriah play around
with my tablet while we were discussing Pokemon
profile picture month on facebook. The result of this: MS PAINT WARTURTLE.

So... I decided to go ahead and attempt my own version of a pokmon via artz. What better pokemon to draw in my time of need? A squirtle, of course.

Now, I could sit there and just do a dinky 5 minute CG of an actual squirtle or I could spice things up. Of course, I go with the second. Here's the spawn of this lovely idea:


Ended up getting a little lazy with the limbs but what the hell. I mean, it's a fucking squirtle. The original limbs are dinky lil' things.

Atleast this has some form of depth to it.

But yeah, I think I might start doing my own rendition of realistic pokemon.
Might be fun.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Picture of the day. Just a quick sketch this time rather than spending the entire day working on something.

Started off playing around in paint. Was showing a friend how my tablet worked. Reference was used for part of it.

Anywho, I ended up opening this bad boy in Open Canvas (seems to be my favorite program at the moment) and added some finer details and colour in there. I must say, for a derpy MS Paint sketch, this came out rather exciting. I had a lot of fun for only spending about 15-20 minutes at most on this.

Perhaps I should start doing requests. I think that might boost my desire to draw. I've technically got one request I might do. My friend Ann wants me to do a portrait of her. We'll see what happens though.